July 23, 2013

Taking America Back -or- The War On Women

A pattern is starting to emerge, at least in my mind.  And maybe I’m late to the game, but a revelation is a revelation none-the-less.

On the surface there appears to be, at the least, a war on women, a war on homosexuals, a war on immigration, a war on non-English speakers, and a war on non-Christians.  But if you look at all these wars from higher up a different picture starts to develop, a picture of a war on extinction.

If you were a White Christian afraid of becoming extinct what could you do to forestall that inevitability?

Well, extinction is a numbers game so the first thing you could do is outlaw contraceptives and abortions.  Then you could outlaw homosexuals because they can’t reproduce and are therefore not helpful to your cause.  You could also put limits on immigration, especially non-white non-Christian immigrants.  And to manage any undesirables already legally in Your Country you could impose voting restrictions designed to prevent non-White non-Christians from gaining control and making White Christians undesirable.  You could also overrule any extant minimum wage laws thereby allowing businesses to help by offering jobs to undesirables at a much lower pay scale which might encourage them to go back where they came from (self deportation, if you will).  You could even lower taxes on the rich while raising taxes on the poor to achieve the same goal; I’m sure poor White Christians would be willing to take one for the cause.

You could even consider a Constitutional amendment making English the Official Language of Your Country giving businesses yet another legal reason to deny employment to undesirables; this could also help limit voting rights.

Can you see the pattern developing?

After stirring all those policies and procedures into their magic caldron White Christians could strengthen their position even more with a war on evolution.  Why?  Simply because what can't happen can’t happen to them.

So, if your name is Barack Hussein Obama and you are black and possibly Muslim and possibly from Kenya and possibly can't speak English, be afraid, be very afraid, because you are the personification of everything that foretells the imminent demise of the chosen ones and the chosen ones will stop at nothing to prevent you from leading them into darkness.

Oh, if all the above fails simply de-fund the EPA; that way no one can have the planet.

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